The Physical Acoustics technical committee is concerned with fundamental acoustic wave propagation phenomena, including transmission, reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, scattering, absorption, dispersion of sound, and sonoluminescence. The use of acoustics to study physical properties of matter, and to produce changes in these properties, is also of interest. Theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches are used.

Relevant subjects are:

  • Ultrasonics and infrasonics

  • Propagation of sound through the atmosphere, fluids, and fluid-filled materials

  • Nonlinear acoustics

  • Biomedical ultrasound

  • Use of acoustics as a tool in studying condensed matter physics such as: superconductivity, dislocation in solids, and lattice vibrations

  • Acoustical studies of structural and dynamical properties of matter

  • Interaction of sound with light and other forms of radiation

  • Sound generation from turbulent flows such as jets and rockets


Any person active in acoustics, who has an academic degree in acoustics or in a closely related field or who has had the equivalent of an academic degree in scientific or professional experience in acoustics, shall be eligible for election to membership in the society.

Membership Application

Why get involved?

  • propose special sessions
  • help make decisions
  • nominate fellows


A complete directory of Physical Acousticians, including members of the technical committee and the committee chair.



A brief outline and overview of significant events in the history of Physical Acoustics, from 550 BCE to the present.


Fall & Spring Meetings

We invite and encourage you to attend meetings of the Physical Acoustics Technical Committee.