Meeting Resources

We invite and encourage you to attend meetings of the Physical Acoustics Technical Committee.

The Physical Acoustics Technical Committee meets during each Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. These are working, collegial meetings where much of the work of the Society is accomplished by actions that originate and are taken in the meetings. Please read the minutes below and the ASA annual report to review the issues that are discussed and the actions taken by the committee.

Current Meeting

186th Meeting, Ottawa, May 2024 Minutes, Slides and Links

Previous Meetings

185th Meeting, Sydney, December 2023 Minutes, Slides and Links

184th Meeting, Chicago, May 2023 Minutes and Slides

183rd Meeting, Nashville, December 2022

182nd Meeting, Denver, May 2022

181st Meeting, Seattle, December 2021

180th Meeting, Acoustics in Focus, June 2021 Minutes and Slides

179th Meeting, Acoustics Virtually Everywhere, December 2020 Minutes and Slides

Virtual Meeting, May 2020

178th Meeting, San Diego, December 2019